Welcome to Linux Bangalore/2003
Linux Bangalore/2003 is India's premier Linux/OpenSource event. This
annual event brings together professionals and enthusiasts from India, Asia
and the rest of the world for a three day Applied Technology Conference.
LB/2003 will feature talks, discussions, workshops, round-table meetings and
demonstrations by national and international speakers that cover a diverse
spectrum of Linux and OpenSource related technologies ranging from
Kernel-programming and Embedded systems to Desktop Environments and
Localisation to Databases and Web Applications to Gaming and Multimedia, to
community and User Group Development.
What differentiates this event from commercial events is that our event is
not driven by any commercial entities, but by the community itself.
Commercial vendors contribute positively by showcasing their technologies
(not products or a sales pitch) to benefit awareness in the community.
We ensure that it delivers quality information and education about Linux
and Open Source to thousands of participants every year. For example, last
year almost 3000 participants benefitted from the more than 70 technical,
community and business related talks about Linux and Open Source software.
Feel free to explore this website to find out more about the event, and
how you can participate as a speaker, delegate, volunteer, exhibitor or
Latest Linux Bangalore/2003 News:
Photos now online [03-Jan-2004 03:56PM]The first lot of pictures from LB/2003 is now online, and there are more on the way.
To get at them, click here.
Please note that these pictures are the property of the various photographers. If you wish to use them, please check with them before doing so.
Slides now online [03-Jan-2004 03:53PM]The presentation slides used by speakers during LB/2003 are now online.
To get at them, click here and select the talk you are interested in, then download the slides from the next page.
Please note that some talks do not have slides associated with them.
Event over! [05-Dec-2003 12:12PM]Linux Bangalore/2003 came to an end last night, marking the third time in succession that this event has been held, and also making it one of the most important Open Source events in Asia.
Wrap-up reports, analysis and other stuff will appear over the next week, as will the slide-shows of the talks.
So stay tuned for more news!
Day 0 Registration has started! [01-Dec-2003 05:01PM]In order to avoid long queues tomorrow, we have started registrations at the venue since 3pm today (Monday) and will be keeping it open till around 7pm.
If you want to avoid the inevitable rush tomorrow, head for the venue *NOW*.
BTW - online registration has been closed since the database has been moved to the (currently connectivity-less) venue. If you didnt register online, show up at the venue with a crisp 500 Rupees note in hand. :)
Final Talks Schedule up! [27-Nov-2003 10:01PM]OK, this is *IT*!
The final talks schedule (barring any cancellations) is now here!
Lots of movement, a few additions, a few subtractions.
All speakers, please note your slots. We expect all speakers to be around on all days, but *definitely* on the day they are supposed to speak! :)
Government Endorsement for LB/2003 [27-Nov-2003 07:50PM]We are pleased to announce that we have received official endorsements for the event from
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Government of India
The MCIT/GoI is the Principal Sponsor of the event, as it was last year.
We have also received official endorsement of the event from
Department of Information Technology and Biotech
Government of Karnataka
We thank the Government of India and the Government of Karnataka for their invaluable endorsements of the event, which raise the credibility of the event into the national and international stratosphere.
Talks Schedule now online [27-Nov-2003 07:47PM]The first cut of the Talks Schedule is now online. Apart from a few changes here and there, this should be it.
To check it out, click here.
LB/2003 Poster available [23-Nov-2003 11:53AM]The Linux Bangalore/2003 publicity poster can be downloaded here.
Download it. Print it. Publish it!
Linux Bangalore/2003 brochure available [20-Nov-2003 09:20AM]We have been receiving many requests asking for a LB/2003 brochure, which can be circulated inside companies and organizations.
You can download the brochure here ( ) 42kb only
Please feel free to circulate this document inside your organization, so that nobody misses the event.
Entertainment at LB/2003 [19-Nov-2003 11:55PM]Last year, we ended the event with a rockshow, and people have been clamouring for one this year as well.
But hey! We don't do things half-heartedly! So this year, you get entertainment not just on the last evening, but on EVERY evening!
On the first day, we have a screening of the movie "Revolution OS", on the second day we have renowned fusion group "Laya Taranga and on the last day we have award-winning rock group "Phenom" back by popular demand!
First talks shortlist published [18-Nov-2003 09:32PM]The first shortlist of talks has been published here.
This is by no means a final list. For example, some of these are going to disappear when we do not receive their slides by Friday (21-Nov-2003) evening. Others are going to be added after they answer the requests for clarification we have sent to them.
However, all the talks on this shortlist *will* happen if the speakers send in their slides by Friday evening.
The Final list will be published on Saturday morning.
Volunteer Registration now open [17-Nov-2003 09:24PM]If you wish to volunteer as a menial labour for the event, miss all the talks, scrub floors and wipe door knobs, work early *and* late, give up your social life for a week, get screamed at, and get blamed for everything that goes wrong at the event, then go to this form.
Please dont fill this form if you want to be a delegate and attend any of the talks, for that you need to go here.
First Industry Endorsements received [13-Nov-2003 09:30PM]We are happy to announce that we received the first industry endorsements for the event from MAIT and the IPv6 Forum of India.
More industry endorsements are expected shortly.
Linux Bangalore/2003 wins sponsorship! [12-Nov-2003 10:09PM]The managers of Linux Bangalore/2003 are pleased to announce that the event has secured Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsorship.
Platinum Sponsorship comes from Hewlett Packard. HP has been a champion of Linux and Open Source worldwide for many years, and has been responsible for many important advances in the Open Source world.
Gold Sponsorship comes from Novell Inc. Novell has been a long term supporter of Linux and Open Source, and has recently become more visible with its acquisition of Ximian and Suse.
Silver sponsorship comes from Exocore Consulting. For many years, Exocore has supported Linux and Open Source efforts in India through personal efforts and sponsorship.
We warmly thank all our sponsors, without whom this event would not have been possible.
Live registration stats [12-Nov-2003 07:10PM]Last year, many people found the registration stats for the event very interesting.
So here we go again - (clicky)
Have you registered yet?
Delegate Registration now open! [08-Nov-2003 01:37AM]The floodgates have been opened - people wishing to attend LB/2003 can now register as delegates!
Please note that this is a two-step process - you first register, then confirm after receiving the email.
Remember - only people who pre-register are eligible to the lower delegate registration charge. Unregistered delegates who show up at the venue have to pay more to get in!
OK? Now go here!
OSS Expo Details now available [01-Nov-2003 03:22PM]The details of the OSS Expo are now available. Within minutes of posting these, we have started receiving bookings, so if you are planning to exhibit at LB/2003, don't delay!
Details are available here.
Details for Area B (Open Source Projects) will be made public soon.
Speaker Registration now open! [10-Oct-2003 01:45AM]We are happy to announce that speaker registration for Linux Bangalore/2003 is now open.
If you wish to give a talk at Linux Bangalore/2003, please click here.
Also make sure that you read the speaker guide before you submit a talk.